DWI Lawyers in Belmar New Jersey
The New Jersey State Police have announced that they will be back at it again this weekend. This time, they will be setting up DWI checkpoints in Belmar and Neptune Township, although, unlike what they normally do, the exact locations and times have not been released as of yet. The New Jersey State Police have been conducting this checkpoints for years in an effort to combat the casualties that can stem from drinking and driving. According to the New Jersey State Police website the troopers “will be looking for signs of impairment due to alcohol or drugs”.
If the officers are under the impression that someone is under influence, they will ask that individual to pull over to the side of the road so that they could conduct what is known as Standardized Field Sobriety Tests (SFST). If the suspect fails the SFST’s, they will be then taken down to the either the Belmar or the Neptune Township Police Department for further testing. While at the station, the suspect will most likely be asked to submit a breath sample into the Alcotest Machine in order to determine what the suspects breath alcohol content (BAC) is. If it is determined either based on the SFST’s, the Alcotest reading, a urine sample or a blood sample, that the suspect was under the influence, they will be charged with a violation of NJSA 39:4-50, driving while intoxicated. All driving while intoxicated offenses will be litigated in the local municipal court in the municipality where the incident occurred, in this case it would either be the Belmar Municipal Court or the Neptune Township Municipal Court. If the suspect refuses to give a breath sample, they may be charged with a refusal to submit to a breath sample. In addition to that, they will also be charged with a DWI based on the failure of the SFST’s. For more information on driving under influence charges, please checkout our DWI defense practice area by clicking the link.
Belmar NJ DUI Defense Attorneys
If you have been issued a summons for driving while intoxicated, driving under the influence, refusal to submit to a breath sample, eluding, assault by auto or any other offense for that matter in Monmouth County, Keith Oliver Criminal Law can help. Our office appears in courts throughout Monmouth County on a regular basis, including courts in towns like Belmar, Wall Township, Tinton Falls, Middletown, Holmdel, Asbury Park, Neptune, Deal, Sea Bright and Manasquan. If you would like to schedule a free consultation with one of our attorneys, then please contact us at 732.858.6959 or email us.
For more information on the DWI checkpoint, please checkout the New Jersey State Police New Release by clicking the link.