Mercer County Criminal Defense Attorney

Have you been arrested in Mercer County? Although you should be presumed innocent, it can seem like the entire criminal justice system is working against you. You need an experienced Mercer County criminal defense lawyer to level the playing field and fight for your rights.

At Keith Oliver Criminal Law, our legal team has successfully defended people facing all types of criminal charges in Mercer County. We understand that you are facing a critical moment when facing criminal prosecution. Our Mercer County criminal defense attorneys, will take the time to listen to your story and understand your concerns, goals, and needs so we can build a strategic defense on your behalf. We will fight fiercely for the best possible results in your case, whether that is a dismissal, reduced charges, minimum penalties, or an acquittal.

Contact Us Today

Reach out to us today for a free initial case evaluation. We are available to talk whenever you need us.

Our Seasoned Defense Attorneys Handle All Types of Cases in Mercer County

Our dedicated defense lawyers at Keith Oliver Criminal Law have extensive experience handling various cases in Mercer County. Some of the common types of criminal cases we help people with involve:

  • Assault and threat crimes â€“ This includes offenses such as simple assault, aggravated assault, terroristic threats, and kidnapping.
  • Domestic violence â€“ Domestic violence typically involves crimes committed by one family or household member on another member. Offenses may include harassment, stalking, assault, or sexual abuse.
  • Drug offenses â€“ Drug offenses can range from simple possession of narcotics to distribution or trafficking to running an organized narcotics ring.
  • Weapons offenses â€“ These offenses include unlawful possession of a weapon (such as possessing a firearm by a felon), possession of a gun for illegal purposes, or unlawful use of a weapon or firearm.
  • Sex crimes â€“ Sex crimes can include rape, sexual assault, criminal sexual contact, indecent exposure, or possession or distribution of child pornography.
  • Theft and fraud â€“ Theft crimes include robbery, carjacking, and shoplifting. Examples of fraud crimes include bank fraud, identity theft, credit card fraud, insurance fraud, and healthcare fraud.
  • Juvenile criminal charges â€“ Juvenile criminal charges refer to adjudications of behavior committed by minors that, if committed by an adult, would constitute a crime. The juvenile justice system focuses primarily on rehabilitating a juvenile offender rather than the punitive aspects of the adult criminal justice system.
  • DUI / DWI charges â€“ Driving under the influence (DUI) or driving while intoxicated (DWI) charges can arise from intoxication by alcohol or drugs, including underage drunk driving.
  • Traffic violations<span data-preserver-spaces=”true”> include speeding, disregarding traffic controls, and reckless driving.
  • Expungements â€“ In New Jersey, many convicted individuals are eligible, after specific waiting periods, to apply to have an arrest or conviction record sealed from public access. Our Mercer County criminal defense attorneys, can help clients with this process to give them a fresh start.

Our Mercer County Criminal Defense Attorneys Can Make a Big Difference in Your Case

If you have been arrested or charged with a crime in Mercer County, let the attorneys of Keith Oliver Criminal Law help you build a strong defense by:

  • Explaining your legal rights, answering all your questions, and discussing the potential outcomes of your charges so that you can anticipate what to expect in your case
  • Independently investigate your case’s underlying facts and circumstances to recover any additional evidence not collected by the prosecution.
  • Reviewing the evidence to identify factual or legal defenses that might be available to you
  • Retaining expert witnesses, if needed, for your defense
  • Moving to reduce or dismiss the charges against you or filing motions to exclude the state’s evidence when it was obtained in violation of your rights or when the evidence is unreliable or otherwise legally objectionable
  • Pursuing alternatives to criminal prosecution that you might be eligible for, such as drug court or other diversionary programs
  • Negotiating with the prosecution to try to reach a favorable plea deal, if appropriate, based on the circumstances of your case
  • Advocating on your behalf if you choose to fight your charges at trial to pursue an acquittal

What Are the Penalties for a Criminal Conviction in Mercer County?

In New Jersey, trial courts have multiple options for sentencing a convicted defendant. Potential elements of New Jersey criminal sentences include:

  • Incarceration
  • Fines
  • Court costs and costs of prosecution
  • Restitution to victims of the crime
  • Community service
  • Probation
  • Community supervision
  • Suspension or revocation of driver’s licenses or firearms licenses
  • Sex offender registration requirements

Fines and jail or prison terms can vary depending on the grading of a criminal offense. Criminal offenses in New Jersey are graded either as petty disorderly persons/disorderly person offenses (more commonly known as misdemeanors) or as indictable crimes (more widely known as felonies). Basic sentencing guidelines in New Jersey include the following:

  • Petty disorderly persons offenses: Up to 30 days in jail and a fine of up to $500
  • Disorderly person offenses: Up to six months in jail and a fine of up to $1,000
  • Fourth-degree crimes: Up to 18 months in prison, with a presumptive sentence of nine months, along with a potential fine of up to $10,000
  • Third-degree crimes: Three to five years imprisonment, with a presumptive sentence of four years, plus a possible fine of up to $15,000
  • Second-degree crimes: Five to 10 years imprisonment, with a presumptive sentence of seven years, plus a possible fine of up to $150,000
  • First-degree crimes: 10 to 20 years imprisonment, with a presumptive sentence of 15 years, plus a potential fine of up to $200,000

Certain first-degree crimes fall outside the standard sentencing ranges and instead have sentences prescribed in the statute itself. These crimes usually have much more severe maximum penalties, including the potential for life sentences for some offenses. Examples of these first-degree crimes include sexual assault of minors under 13, kidnapping, or murder.

How the Long-Term Consequences of a Criminal Record Can Haunt You

Even after the convicted defendant has paid their fines and served their probation or term of incarceration, they may continue to face the consequences of their conviction for years or possibly even for the rest of their lives.

Arguably the most significant consequence of a conviction is having a criminal record that will show up on background checks when an offender applies for employment, admission to educational programs, credit, or even certain government benefits. People with criminal histories often have difficulty getting jobs, housing, or educational opportunities, as employers, landlords, or educational institutions may have concerns about working with someone who has previously committed crimes. Even if an offender wants to live a law-abiding life after completing their sentence, they can still face stigmas or discrimination from others.

Certain criminal offenses may also have other long-term consequences for an offender. For example, someone convicted of sex-based crimes may be required to register as a sex offender. Sex offender registrations also often appear on background checks and make applying for housing or jobs more difficult. Depending on the severity of the crime, an offender may be required to register as a sex offender for the rest of their lives.

In addition, some sex offenders may also be subjected to community supervision for life, which requires an offender to report to law enforcement authorities regularly and to notify the authorities about housing or job changes, plans to travel out of state, or new telephone numbers, email addresses, or social media accounts. Even if an offender moves to another state, they will have to continue their registration or supervision obligations in their new form.

How to Protect Your Rights During and After an Arrest in Mercer County

If you are arrested for a crime in Mercer County, you should remember the following tips to help preserve your legal rights in the criminal justice system:

  • Do not attempt to resist arrest, even if you know you haven’t committed any crimes. Fleeing from law enforcement or resisting arrest is a crime, even if you are innocent of the charges you are being arrested for.
  • Exercise your right to remain silent. While you may think you can clear up the situation or talk your way out of an arrest or a charge, anything you say to the police or investigators can later be used against you in criminal prosecution. Instead, politely decline to answer questions and tell them that you want to exercise your right to remain silent.
  • Advise the police that you also want to exercise your right to legal counsel as soon as possible. You have the right to talk to an attorney before being questioned by the police and to have your attorney with you during any questioning.
  • If you are released following your arrest, gather any documents or other items relevant to preparing a legal defense in your case. This includes any paperwork from the court and any notes you made about the details of your arrest.

Get Advice from a Trusted Mercer County Criminal Defense Lawyer Now

When you are charged with a crime in Mercer County, you must act quickly to protect your freedom. Contact Keith Oliver Criminal Law today for a free, confidential consultation with a knowledgeable Mercer County criminal defense lawyer. We will fight tooth and nail for the best possible outcome to your charges.