Category: Drug Offenses

Synthetic drugs have flooded into New Jersey in recent years. Synthetic drugs take advantage of legal loopholes and gray areas. However, due to a string of high-profile medical emergencies connected with synthetic drugs, state officials have sought to crack down … Continue reading

My Child is Facing a Drug Charge in Freehold, New Jersey Has your child been arrested and charged with a drug crime in Monmouth County? If so, it is imperative that you understand your options. New Jersey as a whole … Continue reading

Possession of a Gun During Commission of a Drug Offense in Freehold and Monmouth County, NJ It is well known by now that New Jersey has some of the strictest gun laws in the Country. It is also no secret … Continue reading

What it Means to be Charged with Possessing a Controlled Dangerous Substance with Intent to Sell in New Jersey Charged with Possession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance with the Intent to Distribute in Monmouth County? If so, here is what … Continue reading

Types of Drug Possession that can get You Charged in Monmouth County Without question, one of the more frequently charged criminal offenses in New Jersey is the Possession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance (CDS). Although drug offenses are certainly more common in … Continue reading

Are DUI’s Considered Criminal Offenses in NJ? Under New Jersey law, driving while intoxicated (DWI) offenses are categorized as traffic offenses. In other words, anyone convicted of a DWI in New Jersey will not be scarred with a permanent criminal record. This … Continue reading

Drug Charges Filed in Neptune Township NJ According to the Asbury Park Press, the Neptune Township Police Department executed a search warrant on a home in Ocean Grove, which is a section of Neptune on Friday and it uncovered a … Continue reading

Have you Been Arrested for a Drug Offense in Somerset County? As one would imagine, not all drug related offenses are treated the same in New Jersey. First and foremost, it is important to discuss that in New Jersey, a … Continue reading

Need a Defense Attorney for a Drug Charge in Somerville NJ? Somerville is a tiny little borough located in the heart of Somerset County. It also happens to be home to the Somerset County Superior Courthouse. Over the last few … Continue reading

North Plainfield NJ Drug Possession Defense Attorney Have you been arrested in the Borough of North Plainfield and charged with a drug offense? Was it for the possession of marijuana? The distribution of heroin? The possession of drug paraphernalia? Was it … Continue reading