
Domestic violence can be a felony in Freehold, NJ, depending on the circumstances of the case. The legal consequences of domestic violence charges vary, with certain cases being classified as disorderly persons offenses (misdemeanors), while others rise to the level … Continue reading

New Jersey law enforcement authorities and prosecutors consider aggravated assault a severe and violent crime. As such, a conviction on aggravated assault charges carries significant penalties, including incarceration, fines, and the long-lasting stigma of a criminal record of violent offenses. … Continue reading

In today’s digital age, stalking has moved beyond physical presence. With the advent of the internet and social media, stalking has taken on new forms, such as cyberstalking. This form of harassment involves using electronic communication to threaten, intimidate, or … Continue reading

Are you facing criminal charges for cryptocurrency theft in New Jersey? The consequences of a conviction can be severe, including hefty fines, lengthy prison sentences, and a permanent mark on your criminal record. These penalties can impact your future employment, … Continue reading

Are you facing assault by auto and driving under the influence (DUI) charges in New Jersey? The penalties for conviction of these crimes could include loss of driving privileges, steep fines, and imprisonment. A criminal defense attorney who handles assault … Continue reading

Synthetic drugs have flooded into New Jersey in recent years. Synthetic drugs take advantage of legal loopholes and gray areas. However, due to a string of high-profile medical emergencies connected with synthetic drugs, state officials have sought to crack down … Continue reading

Are you facing wire fraud charges in New Jersey and wondering what to do next? Wire fraud is a serious federal offense punishable by huge fines and decades in prison. If you have been accused of or charged with wire … Continue reading

Federal authorities are cracking down on cross-border wire fraud operations. Those who find themselves on the wrong side of the authorities face an uphill battle without the help of an experienced attorney who understands the complicated criminal justice system and … Continue reading

There are real-life consequences for identity theft associated with social media accounts. A criminal defense attorney who accepts identity theft cases can build a defense for you if you face identity theft charges or upcoming legal action. Here is an … Continue reading

In the digital era, most child exploitation cases in New Jersey involve alleged offenders viewing or distributing illegal materials through the internet. In turn, law enforcement officials have increasingly relied on digital forensics to find these materials and track who … Continue reading