Burglary Charges Issued in Howell Township
A Howell Township resident arrived at his home on Asbury Avenue yesterday to find a burglar in the midst of rummaging through his home.
Based on the reports from app.com, when the homeowner arrived home he noticed a strange car located in his driveway. Fearing the worst, he wisely blocked the suspicious vehicle in with his vehicle. When the Defendant, a fifty-two year old male from Wall Township noticed he was not alone he attempted to flee the scene. Realizing his vehicle was not an option, the Defendant fled on foot. The Howell Township Police Department, including their K-9 unit arrived on scene and began canvasing the area. They were quickly able to learn that the vehicle the Defendant left at the residence was actually stolen out of South Carolina. After setting up a perimeter, the Defendant was apprehended within an hour when he was spotted near Collingswood Circle.
Once the Defendant was apprehended he was taken to the Monmouth County Jail, which is located in Freehold Township. He was formally charged with one count of burglary in the third degree and one count of theft in the third degree. With that being said, the police are actively investigating a home invasion on Megill Road, which they believe the Defendant could be responsible for. Furthermore, the Defendant is also wanted out of South Carolina where the vehicle is believed to have been stolen from. So, if the Defendant is released on bail in New Jersey, he might still be detained until South Carolina decides whether or not they would like to extradite the Defendant back to them to answer for the motor vehicle theft charges.
Burglary vs. Robbery Charges in New Jersey
The crime of burglary and robbery are often times confused with one another. They are two separate offenses and when broken down, they really drastically differ. The crime of robbery seeks to prosecute anyone who used or threaten to use some form of force in order commit a theft offense. Conversely, burglary seeks to prosecute anyone who with the intent to commit a crime therein, unlawful enters a structure. It is important to note here that although the “crime” therein is usually a theft related offenses it does not have to be. So, as you can see these two offenses are not as similar as most believe. With that being said, these are both serious indictable (felony) offenses and we strongly recommend that if you find yourself charged with one of them, that you speak to an attorneys as soon as possible. To speak to one of the Monmouth County criminal defense attorneys at Keith Oliver Criminal Law then please contact us at 732.858.6959.
Burglary Lawyer in Howell Township
If you have been charged with a criminal offense like burglary, theft of moveable property, shoplifting, criminal mischief, theft by deception or any other theft offense for that matter in Monmouth County, the Keith Oliver Criminal Law can help. Our attorneys have been representing clients accused of crimes like burglary in courts throughout Monmouth County for years now. If you would like to come into our Middletown office and speak to one of our criminal defense attorneys about your options, then please contact us directly at 732.858.6959 or leave us an email.
For more information on this altercation, please checkout app.com’s article labeled as Howell resident interrupts burglary.