Criminal Defense Attorneys in Wall NJ
Wall Township is one of the largest municipalities in Monmouth County. If you have been charged with a criminal offense like possession of marijuana under 50 grams, simple assault, shoplifting, harassment, stalking or a traffic offense like DUI, speeding or reckless the case will be litigated in the Wall Township Municipal Court. The Court is located at 2700 Allaire Road right next to the police station. The Wall Municipal Court has jurisdiction over all disorderly persons, petty disorderly persons, township ordinances and traffic offenses that occur within the township’s borders. If you have been summonsed to appear in the Wall Township Municipal Court to answer either a criminal or traffic offense it is imperative that you seek the assistance of a criminal defense attorney who has extensive experience dealing with the Wall Municipal Court. Keith Oliver Criminal Law has been bee representing clients charged with a wide variety of offenses in the Wall Municipal Courts for years. Over the years we have represented clients charged with driving while intoxicated, harassment, criminal mischief, possession of marijuana, simple assault, domestic violence, speeding and driving while suspended. If you would like to discuss your options with one of our criminal defense attorneys then please contact us directly at (732) 858-6959. Our initial consultations are always free. Now here is some information on the Wall Municipal Court.
Wall Township Municipal Court Contact Information
2700 Allaire Road, Wall New Jersey 07719
Court Schedule:
Tuesday at 8:30 a.m. & 1 p.m.
Wednesday at 8:30 a.m.
Hours of Operations:
8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Phone Number:
General Information – 732.449.4666 & Fax- 732.449.0762
Chief Judge:
Honorable Joseph Defino, J.M.C.
Steven Zabarsky, Esq.
Court Administrator:
Linda J. Smith, C.M.C.A.
Sandra Akes
Violations Clerk:
Samantha Bogan
Marie Rosenfeld
Jennifer O’Sullivan
Casey Hines
Wall Township, New Jersey
Wall Township is located in southern Monmouth County. It covers just under 32 square miles and is home to over 25,000 people. It basically stretches the southern coast of Monmouth County, therefore, to get to towns like Belmar, Spring Lake, Avon, Neptune, Brielle, Lake Como, Sea Girt and Manasquan, you must travel through Wall. In addition, major roadways like the Garden State Parkway, Interstate 195, Route 18, Route 35, Route 34, Route 71 and Route 138 cut right through Wall Township as well. Those are probably the two main reason why Wall Township issues the most DWI offenses in the entire county and is among the top in the State. If you have been charged with a DWI in Wall and would like to talk to one of our attorneys please contact us directly at 732.858.6959
Criminal Lawyers in Wall NJ
Being charged with a criminal offense or even a traffic offense can be extremely stressful. If you have been charged with simple assault, stalking, eluding, possession of cocaine, possession of marijuana, aggravated assault, assault by auto or any other offense for that matter, the Keith Oliver Criminal Law can help. Our team routinely appears in the Wall Township Municipal Court. If you would like to schedule a free initial consultation today with one of our attorneys then please contact us directly at 732.858.6959. We are available around the clock to help assist in any way possible.