Need Local Jersey Shore Criminal Lawyer
Arrested while vacationing at the Jersey Shore? Enjoying fun in the sun or the nightlife before you were charged with a crime? Was it for possession of a fake id? Underage Drinking? Driving while intoxicated? Assault? Disorderly Conduct? If so, you are not alone. The Jersey Shore is well known as a go to hot spot for vacationers from all over the Tristate area. It is well known for its beautiful beaches, amazing restaurants and its never ending nightlife. Some of the most popular areas along the Jersey Shore include Belmar, Sea Bright, Manasquan, Point Pleasant, Seaside, Asbury Park, Sandy Hook, Oceanport, Bradley Beach and Long Beach Island. Although most of these areas are considered “seasonal” the population that floods the Jersey Shore year in and year out is astonishing. Unfortunately, with such an increase in population during the “summer months” it tends to lead to an increase in crime. Most of the crimes that occur are typically considered lower level offenses and the vast majority of them are related to the consumption of alcohol. With that being said, even though they are considered minor offenses, they are still considered crimes and if not handled properly, could not only lead to potential incarceration but could also leave the individual scarred with a criminal record. A criminal record could almost certainly lead to rather serious collateral consequences, including but not limited to obtaining professional licenses and maintaining gainful employment.
It should come as no surprise that Judges throughout these small seasonal towns take these offenses very seriously. As one would imagine, local law enforcement, including the prosecutor’s of these towns, get very frustrated when vacationers come to town and cause havoc. If you or a loved one has been charged with a criminal offense at the Jersey Shore and are scheduled to appear in Court to answer for these charges, the Keith Oliver Criminal Law can help. Our firm is comprised of attorneys who dedicate their entire practice to defending those accused of crimes. If you would like to schedule a free initial consultation today, please contact our office at 732-858-6959. Here is a breakdown of some of the common charges we see being issued in towns throughout the Jersey Shore.
Arrested for Disorderly Conduct at the Jersey Shore?
Disorderly Conduct is by far one of the most common criminal offenses we see being penned out at the Jersey Shore. Disorderly conduct is basically New Jersey’s catchall charge. It in essence is meant to cover all types of “improper behavior,” including but not limited to disturbing the peace, public intoxication, verbal arguments and minor fights. The governing statute for disorderly conduct charges in New Jersey is NJSA 2C:33-2. This is considered a petty disorderly persons offense, which is the lowest level criminal offense in New Jersey. If convicted, the individual will be facing a fine up to $500 and 30 days in the County Jail. But of most importance, a conviction will result in a criminal record, one that may not be eligible for expungement for three years.
Caught with a Fake Id at the Jersey Shore. Do I Need an Attorney?
Possession of a fake id is also a very common criminal offense that we see being issued at the Jersey Shore. The vast majority of these offenses occur when the individual attempts to use the fake id at a local bar like DJAIS, Bar Anticipation, Leggits, Porta, Martell’s Tiki Bar, the Osprey and Beachcomber. Over the years, local bars throughout the Jersey Shore have begun taking a very proactive approach to prevent those underage from entering their establishment. More often than not, they will require the identification to be run through a scanner for authenticity as well as require some form of a back up identification. Possession of a fake id can either be a fourth degree indictable (felony) offense or a disorderly persons offense (misdemeanor). More often than not, the run of the mill fake id charges we see being issued at the Jersey Shore are disorderly persons offenses. A conviction for this offense can lead to the individual being fined up to $1,000, incarcerated in the county jail for 180 days and a license suspension. Again, just like disorderly conduct, a conviction for possession of a fake id could certainly hamper an individual’s ability to gain admission into their dream college or obtain their dream job.
Need a Local Lawyer for an Assault Charge at the Jersey Shore
Anytime you have a crowded bar scene and excessive consumption of alcohol, you can almost guarantee fights will occur. The local bars at the Jersey Shore are not immune to their fair share of fights. Assault offenses, whether it be simple assault or aggravated assault are another common charge we see being issued at the Jersey Shore. Whether the individual is charged with either simple or aggravated assault will more likely depend on the severity of the injury caused or attempted to be caused. Since simple assault is a disorderly persons offense (misdemeanor) they will be sent to the local municipal court to be litigated. However, since aggravated assault charges are considered indictable offenses (felony) they must be transferred from the local municipal court to the county Superior Court. Depending on the degree of the assault will dictate the potential sentences one would face if convicted. The penalties can be as little as a fine all the way up to a decade in prison. Also, individuals who find themselves being charged with assault also tend to be charged with resisting arrest, domestic violence, hindering apprehension and can even be served with a temporary restraining order. Obviously these additional charges make a bad situation far worse.
Facing an Underage Drinking Charge at the Jersey Shore
Underage drinking, which is probably a very common occurrence in towns throughout New Jersey, is also an extremely common offense at the Jersey Shore. Due to the inherent dangers of underage drinking, it should come as no surprise that this offense is taken very seriously by the Courts. The two most common scenarios where we see kids being charged with underage drinking occur when the police are called to a house party to investigate a noise complaint and when they observe the kids consuming the alcohol on the beach. Alcohol is prohibited at almost all of the beaches at the Jersey Shore, so these are very easy offenses for law enforcement to investigate and subsequently charge those breaking the law. Law enforcement does not need to make an initial determination of whether the individual is under the age of twenty-one prior to initiating their investigation. Again, like disorderly conduct and simple assault, this is a disorderly persons offense (misdemeanor).
Accused of Driving While Intoxicated at the Shore?
Arrested and charged with driving while intoxicated while leaving the Jersey Shore? Did it happen on the Garden State Parkway? Route 138? Route 18? Interstate 195? If so, you are not alone. Towns throughout the Jersey Shore see a tremendous increase in driving while intoxicated and under the influence charges during the peak “summer months.” This is due in large part to the desirable nightlife that the Jersey Shore possesses. Although New Jersey went through what amounts to a total overall of their traditional penalties when it comes to driving under the influence, the new potential penalties can be just as crippling. If you or a loved one has been charged with DWI in Wall Township, Middletown, Holmdel, Point Pleasant, Belmar, Long Beach Island, Asbury Park, Neptune, Manasquan or elsewhere at the Jersey Shore, we strongly urge that you contact an experienced DWI defense lawyer to learn your options. In addition, the New Jersey as a whole, including the Shore, sees a significant increase in assault by auto, vehicular homicide and strictly liability death by auto charges. These allegations obviously make a precarious situation infinitely more severe.
Facing Criminal Charges at the Jersey Shore, Who can Help?
As you can see from above, partying at the Jersey Shore can carry significant consequences. Whether it be an assault charge, underage drinking, fake id, resisting arrest, driving while intoxicated, obstruction of the administration of law or any other offense for that matter at the Jersey Shore, we strongly recommend that you speak to a criminal defense lawyer about your options. Do not let a simple lapse in judgement or an alcohol-fueled incident dictate your future. Our office practice in towns throughout the Jersey Shore, including Asbury Park, Belmar, Lake Como, Manasquan, Oceanport, Holmdel, Sandy Hook, Bradley Beach, Sea Bright and Brielle. If you have any questions whatsoever, please do not hesitate to contact us at 732-858-6959. A local Jersey Shore defense attorney is available to speak with you free of charge.