Things Go From Bad to Worse for Keansburg Man Arrested in Holmdel Twp.
A twenty-four year old male from Keansburg was taken into custody yesterday by the Holmdel Police Department after an officer noticed he was operating a motor vehicle that had been reported stolen out of Hazlet earlier in the week. Upon taken the Defendant into custody, the Holmdel Police Department turned the Defendant over to the Hazlet Police Department for processing on heroin possession and receiving stolen property charges. However, things did not end there for the Defendant. It is unclear at this point in time of why, but the Defendant was taken to the Bayshore Community Hospital for treatment. While at the hospital, things went from bad to worse for the Defendant. It is alleged that he began fighting with hospital staff and even spit on not only a staff member but a Hazlet Police Officer was well.
At the end of the day, the Defendant was formally charged with one count of possession of heroin in the third degree, one count of receiving stolen property in the third degree, two counts of aggravated assault on a police officer, one count of harassment as well as one count of disorderly conduct. Upon being released from Bayshore Community Hospital, the Defendant was taken to the Monmouth County Jail, where he remains pending a detention hearing. The other three individuals located inside the stolen vehicle were arrested as well and charged with receiving stolen property and possession of hypodermic needles. All but one of the individuals was released upon their own recognizance, the other was taken to the Monmouth County Jail based on an active warrant out of Holmdel Township.
Receiving Stolen Property Charges in Holmdel Twp.
The crime of receiving stolen property is rather self explanatory, it seeks to prosecute those accused of being in possession of stolen property. However, it is important to discuss that this offense do not actually prosecute the underlying theft of the property, that would be a separate charge. The reason that the Defendant in the case discussed above was not charged with theft of a motor vehicle is because at this point in time they have no evidence to indicate that the Defendant actually committed the theft. Just because the Defendant was caught in possession of the vehicle does not prove that he actually committed the theft of the vehicle. So, receiving stolen property is a very important weapon for the prosecution, especially when they may not have the evidence to prove what they believe may have actually occurred. For more information on receiving stolen property charges in Monmouth County, please click the link. Here is the specific language of the statute as well for your convenience.
NJSA: 2C:20-7. Receiving Stolen Property.
a. Receiving. A person is guilty of theft if he knowingly receives or brings into this State movable property of another knowing that it has been stolen, or believing that it is probably stolen. It is an affirmative defense that the property was received with purpose to restore it to the owner. “Receiving” means acquiring possession, control or title, or lending on the security of the property.
Heroin Possession Lawyers in Holmdel New Jersey
Keith Oliver Criminal Law is a Monmouth County based criminal defense firm located in Middletown. Our office defends those accused of crimes like heroin possession, theft of moveable property, eluding, disorderly conduct, underage drinking and aggravated assault in courts throughout Monmouth County. If you would like to speak to one of our Monmouth County criminal defense lawyers about your options, then please contact our office at 732.858.6959 or you can try contacting us online. As always, our initial consultations are free of costs, so if you have any questions whatsoever, please do not hesitate to contact us.
For more information on this incident, please checkout the app.com article labeled, Keansburg car thief suspect spits on Hazlet cop after Holmdel bust.