The Hamilton Township Police Department is sending yet another strong message to those contemplating manufacturing and/or distributing controlled dangerous substances (drugs) within their borders. With the war on drugs continuing on in New Jersey, law enforcement throughout the State, including Hamilton Township is actively investigating and prosecuting those who are alleged to be involved with drugs in any fashion. If you or a loved one has been accused of possessing, distributing and/or manufacturing drugs like heroin, cocaine, marijuana, Xanax, Oxycodone, MDMA or any other drug for that matter in Hamilton we strongly recommend that you contact an attorney as soon as possible. To schedule a free initial consultation today with one of the Mercer County criminal defense lawyers at the Keith Oliver Criminal Law, please contact our Hamilton Office at 609-789-0779. As always, our initial consultations are free of costs, so if you have any questions whatsoever, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Another Major Drug Bust in Hamilton New Jersey
After countless complaints from various neighbors dating back all the way back to June of 2017, a prescription “pill mill” was finally dismantled in Hamilton Township last month. According to the reports released at this point, investigators from the Hamilton Police Department and the Mercer County Sheriff’s Officer were serving an eviction notice upon the home, which is located on the 100 Block of Reed Avenue, when uncovered what they are calling was a “large-scale pill manufacturing operation”. Due to the dangerous conditions that most “drug labs” create, a hazmat team was called in to further investigate the home. During their search they allegedly uncovered a substantial amount of narcotic manufacturing evidence. That evidence was shipped to the lab to be tested. The evidence came back positive for Oxycodone and acetaminophen. Since their was nobody home at the time, authorities began their search for the individual whom they believed was the leader of the ring.
Authorities from the Hamilton Police Department and the New Jersey State Police teamed up on March 26 to apprehend their target. They used a routine traffic stop to facility the arrest, which is a common method used in an effort to defuse any would be dangerous situation. The Defendant, a thirty-six year old male, was formally charged with manufacturing a controlled dangerous substance, maintaining a nuisance and various drug possession and possession of CDS with the intent to distribute charges as well. At the end of the day, it appears that the home was actually abandoned and that the Defendant was a “squatter” for all intensive purposes, as he operated this “pill mill”. This is something that the Township says happens all to often and they wanted to send a message that “We are not going to tolerate illegal activity in Hamilton Township”.
Oxycodone Drug Distribution Lawyer in Hamilton NJ
If the Defendant is formally charged with maintaining or operating a drug manufacturing facility, in violation of NJSA 2C:35-4, things will quickly go from bad to worse. Maintaining a drug manufacturing facility is a first degree indictable offense in New Jersey. That means, if convicted, the Defendant would be facing anywhere from 10 to 20 years in a State Prison. To make matters worse, this offense requires the imposition of a mandatory parole ineligibly period as well. This offense, would be in addition to any of the other drug offense, including the manufacturing charge. This offense seeks to prosecute those alleged to have been operating the facility not just those who are alleged to have manufactured the drugs. For more information on this offense, please checkout the statute:
2C:35-4. Maintaining or operating a controlled dangerous substance production facility
2C:35-4. Except as authorized by P.L.1970, c.226 (C.24:21-1 et seq.), any person who knowingly maintains or operates any premises, place or facility used for the manufacture of methamphetamine, lysergic acid diethylamide, phencyclidine, gamma hydroxybutyrate, flunitrazepam, marijuana in an amount greater than five pounds or ten plants or any substance listed in Schedule I or II, or the analog of any such substance, or any person who knowingly aids, promotes, finances or otherwise participates in the maintenance or operations of such premises, place or facility, is guilty of a crime of the first degree and shall, except as provided in N.J.S.2C:35-12, be sentenced to a term of imprisonment which shall include the imposition of a minimum term which shall be fixed at, or between, one-third and one-half of the sentence imposed, during which the defendant shall be ineligible for parole. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection a. of N.J.S.2C:43-3, the court may also impose a fine not to exceed $750,000.00 or five times the street value of all controlled dangerous substances, controlled substance analogs, gamma hydroxybutyrate or flunitrazepam at any time manufactured or stored at such premises, place or facility, whichever is greater.
For more information on this incident, please checkout the Trentonian article, labeled, Man arrested for running pill mill out of Hamilton home.