It seems like the number of bank robberies has been on rise in New Jersey over the last few months, especially in the Mercer County area. The New Jersey criminal code does not have a special subsection for bank robberies, it falls under the traditional robbery section, which is NJSA 2C:15-1. This is by far one of the most serious crimes in New Jersey. Depending on the facts, anyone accused of robbery will either be facing a first or second degree felony offense. A conviction for either felony offense will almost certainly land an individual in State Prison.
A robbery is in essence a theft that required some form of force (assault) or threat thereof. For grading purposes, the offense will be elevated from a second crime to a first degree crime if the individual was either armed with a deadly weapon, inflicted serious bodily injury or threatened to kill another. So for example, if an individual enters a bank with a note that says “turn over all your money or I will kill you” they will be charged with a first degree felony. However, if the individual simply demands that they turn over all the money without any threats, they will be charged with a second degree felony. The difference between the two degrees could equate to an additional decade in prison. For more information on robbery charges, including bank robbery charges in New Jersey, please click the link. Now here is an article about a recent bank robbery in Hamilton, New Jersey.
Bank Robbery Charge in Hamilton New Jersey
According to nj.com, the Hamilton Police Department believes that the individual who robbed the BB&T Bank on November 2 fled the scene in a shuttle bus. Witnesses informed the detectives that they saw the shuttle bus in and around the area of the BB&T Bank, which is located on Route 33 near the time of the robbery. It is unclear from the reports whether or not the detectives believe that the alleged bank robbery arrived in the shuttle bus, fled the scene in the shuttle bus or both. But they do think that this vehicle was used in some fashion.
At this point in time, the detectives believe that their suspect is a female. Witnesses claim that she was wearing a red knit hat, dark blue sweatshirt, gray sweatpants and a blue bandana to cover her face. The Hamilton Police Department has released the above image in hopes that someone can identify the shuttle bus. Apparently the surveillance footage was to grainy to make out the license plate.
Based on the facts that have been released at this point in time it is hard to determine what degree of robbery that the suspect will be charged with if they are in fact apprehended.