7-Eleven Attendent Robbed at Knife Point in Neptune Township
The Neptune Township police department is actively investigating a robbery of a local connivence store.
According to app.com, the robbery occurred at the &-Eleven located on Route 33. The suspect, who was wearing a mask and yielding a folding knife, allegedly entered the convenience just before midnight on January 8th. The suspect walked directly to the counter and demanded cash from the attendant. The attendant removed the cash register draw and placed it on the counter. The suspect then grabbed as much money as he could and fled the scene. When the Neptune Township police arrived on scene the suspect was no where in sight. As a result, Detective Kaan Williams is asking the public for help in identifying the suspect. If the suspect is ever apprehended he will most likely be charged with armed robbery in the first degree, unlawful possession of a weapon in the third degree, possession of a weapon for an unlawful purpose in the third degree and theft in the third degree. The robbery will be considered a first degree felony because the suspect used the folding knife in order to commit the robbery.
1st Degree Robbery vs. 2nd Degree Robbery in New Jersey
Pursuant to NJSA 2C:15-1, robbery can either be considered a first or second degree indictable offense in New Jersey. A robbery in essence occurs when an individual uses or threatens to use some form of force in order to commit a theft offense. An individual will be charged with a first degree robbery charge if it is alleged that while in the course of committing the theft they attempt to kill or purposely inflicts or attempts to inflict serious bodily injury or is armed with, uses or threatens to use a deadly weapon. So, as mentioned above, since the suspect used the folding knife in order to commit the robbery he will be charged with first degree armed robbery. Regardless of the degree, a robbery charges carries with it life changing penalties but with that being said, the difference between a first and a second degree robbery sentence could be up to a decade of prison time. As you can see these are rather serious charges regardless of the degree. For more information on robbery charge, please contact our Middletown office at 732.858.6959 and one of our attorneys would be glad to go over the offense.
Robbery Lawyer in Neptune Township NJ
If you have been placed under arrest or charged with robbery, theft by deception, theft of movable property, burglary or any other offense in Neptune Township or elsewhere in Monmouth County, the Keith Oliver Criminal Law can help. These are all very serious charges and should not be taken lightly. If you would like to come into our Middletown Office and speak to one of our attorneys about your options, then please contact us at 732.858.6959 or email us. One of our attorneys would be glad to go over the specific facts of your case and give you their honest feedback on how they think they can be of assistance.
For more information on this incident, please checkout the app.com’s article labeled Neptune cops seek armed, masked 7-Eleven robber.